Outfit | Pom Pom Scarf and Striped Bodycon Dress

Girl in the Lens fashion blog


UK fashion bloggersFashion photography blogsWinter outfits body con dress fur trim hood coatGiant pom pom scarf TopshopGirl in the Lens Fashion blogger photos

coat: c/o Republic (now USC) | jacket: Mango | dress: c/o Forever 21 | scarf: Topshop | shoes: Converse | bag: c/o Modalu 

A cute, cozy little outfit to combat those winter day blues. Last weekend we went up to London for an #olumpusimagespace event (super fun afternoon spent shooting with the new Olympus cameras, will have a post about it up soon) and as usual, I left it a bit late to get ready, so just had to throw on a quick outfit from the few things I had with me at Callum’s house.  I’m not sure why, but I’m always really drawn to opposites when it comes to colours, so naturally my giant pom pom scarf (a Topshop sale find) and red coat and red leather jacket just gravitated together on my body. Added a bit of pattern detailing with my stripy Forever 21 bodycon dress and kept the rest in neutral black and white, and my outfit was done.

Yes, I’m aware I’m wearing like a gazillion layers and it’s not even properly winter yet, but I’m a total wimp when it comes to the cold. And despite my wrapping up like an early Christmas present, I still managed to catch the flu. Gah. And at the worst time too, because – *drumroll please* – Callum and I have just moved in together! Literally today! We got the keys earlier to the most amazing little flat in St Albans (staying in the hometown for now, homies) and through cups of Lemsip, the fog that is my flu mind and about twenty packs of tissues, it’s been a super exciting, happy time. We can’t wait to share our new place with you guys, and I anticipate a lot of home decor posts coming up as we get nesting. It’s only renting, but it still feels amazing to finally have a place of our own x

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