shirt: c/o Wrangler, jeans: c/o Great Plains, shoes: c/o She Likes
A pair of heels always make such a difference to an outfit, don’t they? You could have one the simplest thing – a plain black dress, or just jeans and a shirt like me here, but add a pair of hot heels and BOOM. Outfit made. In love with my new nude toned ankle-straps from She Likes (can’t you see how happy I am from the last photo? ;)). They’re a dead ringer for the Zara version and so affordable – £25 for shoes as gorgeous as this? Yes please. I’m also super happy with these simple blue jeans from Great Plains I received last week. A girl can never have too many blue jeans, and this shade is particularly flattering.
I’ve been wanting to share another double denim outfit with you all for a while now as it’s a staple look of mine. There’s something just so easy and chic about it, and very British too. They key to it is getting the mix of shades right. Try and go for a dark denim piece with a light one to keep the balance, and I tend to find the darker shade is more flattering to the figure when worn on the bottom half. You could also incorporate patterned denim or coloured jeans too of course – J Brand have an amazing range of colours and patterns that would be super easy to style. I also like to team my double denim look with a nude-toned shoe. It’s just a combination I’ve always been drawn to, and plus, we all know the leg lengthening power of a nude heel now, don’t we girls? Sam Edelman have some amazing shoes that’d fit the bill perfectly – check out these three beauties.
What are your double denim tips? x
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Such a cute shirt! Love those spiked Sam Edelman heels.
They’re dreamy aren’t they? x
Loving double denim and those sandals are gorgeous:) x
Thanks girl x
Gorgeous! Love the denim on denim x
Thanks Angelica! x
i love a bit of double denim!!
shoes are super cute, I love your blog, was wondering if you would like t check mine out?
Kisses xxx
Of course I’ll have a look Amanda 🙂
This is a great look on you. Want those shoes!
Thanks girl! x
I was reading your feature on Company magazine last weekend (congrats btw!!) and found out you’re from St Albans! I was living there for 2 years (and teaching at Beaumont School), have to go back and visit sometime, such a nice town.
Oh amazing Laura! It is a beauty of a town. Moving to London very soon though, will miss it! x
Oh well, let me know if you fancy meeting for a coffee then!
Amazing, will do x
You are right about heels, they do instantly give an outfit a certain umph. I always stay clear of denim on denim but I like how you paired the lighter shade with the darker shade. it breaks it up.
Thanks Ivy 🙂 it is a love or hate style x
wow! so perfect!
I thought denim with denim looks awful, I mean… I saw looks on which were not bad but I think your oufit is the best denim-denim combo!!<333
Emma xx
Aw thank you so much Emma! x
I’ve got to admit, I didn’t think double denim could or should work. But I have to say, I love this outfit. It really does work! You look great x
Heroine In Heels
Aw yay, glad you like it Laura!!